What Is Contexto and How to Play It
If you love word games, you might have heard of Wordle, the daily puzzle that challenges you to guess a five-letter word in six tries. But did you know that there is another word game that is equally addictive and fun? It's called Contexto, and it's all about finding the secret word based on its contextual relevance. In this article, we will explain what Contexto is, how it works, how to play it, and some tips and strategies to help you improve your score. Let's get started!
Contexto: The New Word Game Craze
Contexto is a web-based game that you can play from any browser. It was inspired by Semantle and created by a Brazilian developer. Like Wordle, Contexto offers a new puzzle every day that resets at midnight local time. However, unlike Wordle, Contexto is not about spelling or finding synonyms. Rather, it's about the meaning and contextual relevance of the words.
Contexto is powered by an AI algorithm, based on GloVe from the Stanford Natural Language Processing Group (NLP). It looks for relative proximity between words. For example, the word "game" may appear often around words like "play" and "computer", but rarely around words like "giraffe" and "porcelain". If you enjoy solving crossword puzzles, you may find Contexto very appealing.
What Is Contexto?
Contexto is a word game that challenges you to find the mystery word of the day. The word can be of any length and it is always a common noun. You have unlimited guesses, but the fewer guesses you use, the better your score. You can also see how your score compares to other players around the world.
How Does Contexto Work?
Contexto works by ranking your guesses based on how contextually relevant they are to the secret word. The secret word has a ranking of 1, which means it is the most relevant word in the context. Your guesses will have higher rankings, which means they are less relevant or more distant from the secret word.
For example, if the secret word is "book", a guess like "page" might have a ranking of 10, while a guess like "tree" might have a ranking of 100. The lower the ranking, the closer you are to the answer. The higher the ranking, the further away you are.
How to Play Contexto
To play Contexto, you need to visit the official Contexto website after midnight local time. You will see a text entry field where you can type any single word as your guess. Press enter to see the ranking of your guess relative to the secret word.
contexto historico
contexto social
contexto cultural
contexto educativo
contexto politico
contexto familiar
contexto comunicativo
contexto literario
contexto economico
contexto ambiental
contexto juridico
contexto artistico
contexto geografico
contexto filosofico
contexto religioso
contexto linguistico
contexto psicologico
contexto organizacional
contexto internacional
contexto pedagogico
contexto digital
contexto academico
contexto urbano
contexto etico
contexto cientifico
contexto mediatico
contexto musical
contexto teatral
contexto cinematografico
contexto laboral
contexto escolar
contexto rural
contexto sanitario
contexto deportivo
contexto turistico
contexto gastronomico
contexto tecnologico
contexto poetico
contexto narrativo
contexto arquitectonico
contexto biblico
contexto fotografico
contexto matematico
contexto estetico
contexto ecologico
contexto intercultural
contexto empresarial
contexto belico
contexto electoral
Based on what you learn from your first guess, keep entering more guesses until you find the correct word. After you solve the puzzle, you can see the top 500 words for today's game. You can also replay previous games for extra practice.
Contexto Tips and Strategies
Contexto can be a challenging game, but it can also be very rewarding if you use some effective strategies and tips. Here are some of them:
Choose the Best Contexto Starting Words
Before you can decide on the best Contexto guesses to start each game, it helps to understand how the Contexto game works in the first place. You get a ranking based on how contextually relevant your guess is to the word youre trying to find (which has a ranking of 1). Its not about similar spelling or finding a synonym; rather, its about the relative likelihood of co-occurrence in a body of text. So, what does co-occurrence mean in NLP? According to one source, co-occurrence is simply the number of times one token is followed by another token in a text corpus. For example, if we have the sentence "I love chocolate cake", the co-occurrence of "love" and "chocolate" is 1, while the co-occurrence of "love" and "cake" is also 1. However, the co-occurrence of "love" and "carrot" is 0, since they never appear together in the sentence.
Co-occurrence matrices are a way of representing the co-occurrence of tokens in a text corpus using rows and columns. Each row and column corresponds to a unique token, and each cell contains the co-occurrence value of the two tokens. For example, if we have the following text corpus:
I love chocolate cake.
She loves carrot cake.
He hates chocolate.
Then, our co-occurrence matrix will look something like this:
I love chocolate cake She loves carrot cake He hates --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- I 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 love 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 chocolate 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 cake 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 200 She0001111100 loves0001111100 carrot0001112200 He0010000011 hates00100000 Co-occurrence matrices are useful for NLP because they can capture the semantic similarity and relatedness of words based on their usage in a text corpus. For example, from the matrix above, we can see that "chocolate" and "cake" are more related than "chocolate" and "carrot", since they have a higher co-occurrence value. We can also see that "love" and "hate" are opposites, since they have a negative co-occurrence value with "chocolate".
Use the Available Settings and Options
Contexto also offers some settings and options that you can use to customize your game experience. Here are some of them:
Change the Language and Theme
If you want to play Contexto in a different language, you can choose from English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Turkish, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, or Chinese. You can also change the theme of the game from light to dark or vice versa.
Replay Previous Games
If you want to practice your Contexto skills or challenge yourself with a harder word, you can replay any previous game from the past month. You can also see the statistics of each game, such as the number of guesses, average ranking, best ranking, and worst ranking.
Share Your Score and Feedback
If you want to brag about your Contexto score or get some feedback from other players, you can share your game on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook. You can also rate the game and leave a comment on the Contexto website.
Conclusion and FAQs
Contexto is a fun and addictive word game that tests your knowledge of words and their contextual relevance. It is powered by an AI algorithm that ranks your guesses based on their proximity to the secret word. To play Contexto, you need to visit the official website and enter any word as your guess. You can use some tips and strategies to improve your score, such as choosing the best starting words, identifying the context of the word, trying specific examples, changing the language and theme, replaying previous games, and sharing your score and feedback. Contexto is a great way to expand your vocabulary and challenge your cognitive skills. If you have not tried Contexto yet, what are you waiting for? Give it a try and see how well you can do!
Here are some FAQs that you may have about Contexto:
Q: How is Contexto different from Wordle?
A: Wordle is a word game that requires you to guess a five-letter word in six tries. You get feedback on whether your guess contains the right letters in the right positions. Contexto is a word game that requires you to find the secret word of the day based on its contextual relevance. You get feedback on how close your guess is to the secret word in terms of co-occurrence.
Q: How is the secret word of the day chosen?
A: The secret word of the day is chosen randomly from a list of common nouns. The list is updated regularly to avoid repetition and ensure variety.
Q: How is the ranking of the guesses calculated?
A: The ranking of the guesses is calculated by an AI algorithm, based on GloVe from the Stanford NLP Group. The algorithm uses a large text corpus to measure the co-occurrence of words and assign them a vector representation. The ranking is then derived from the cosine similarity between the vectors of the guesses and the secret word.
Q: What are some sources that I can use to learn more about Contexto and NLP?
A: Here are some sources that you can use to learn more about Contexto and NLP:
The official Contexto website
The official GloVe website
A blog post on how Contexto works
A video tutorial on how to play Contexto
An online course on Natural Language Processing
Q: How can I contact the developer of Contexto or report a bug?
A: You can contact the developer of Contexto or report a bug by sending an email to contato@contexto.app or filling out this form. 44f88ac181